Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Last Week of 2008

My cousin Mike and I on Christmas sporting the same 'do!
Another grey day here in NJ but the outside temperature is not bad - I think it is over 50 out there.

Christmas has come and gone in a blur of brightly wrapped gifts, children's laughter, good food and oh did I mention good food? We spent the day with both my family and Greg's - I guess I should say "our family"! We are both thankful for all that we received and for being able to have a day of celebration with everyone.

We were also fortunate enough to spend some time with my sister and Lynn as they made their way south back home after spending the holidays on the Cape. When she asked what I have planned for the winter, all I could think of to say was "surviving"!

I think that was my response since I had recently found out I'll be receiving an infusion of Zometa to help keep my bones healthy as the hormone treatment I take daily can lead to early bone loss. I can't help but focus on what has become truly important to me - being alive!

I have also realized I need to be a bit more vigilant in watching my diet and exercise. I did a 4 1/2 mile run yesterday and felt pretty good, however while showering afterwards I felt a lump under my left arm. I believe it was a build up of lymph fluid as it appears to have disappeared this morning but it was quite unnerving to discover. Too much salt and sugar over the past few days along with some running - bad combination! Another thing to add to my list of resolutions for 2009!

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